Home IFOS Dubai 2023 – Call for abstracts

IFOS Dubai 2023 – Call for abstracts

IFOS Dubai 2023 – Call for abstracts

17 – 21 January 2023
Connecting Minds, Creating Future for a Better Tomorrow

Greetings from IFOS Dubai 2023,
It is my pleasure to announce the launching of the abstract submission system for IFOS 2023. On this occasion, I would like to invite you all to submit your valuable work to be considered for presentation in the scientific program of IFOS 2023, the world largest scientific congress for Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, where experts meet and exchange their practice and knowledge.
Call for abstracts will extend from 21 Feb- 15 May 2022. Please use the following link to submit your abstract; https://www.ifosdubai2023.com/abstract-guideline.php
Looking forward to meeting you all in IFOS Dubai, 2023

President of the Congress
