Home Webinar: Robotics and endoscopic ear surgery

Webinar: Robotics and endoscopic ear surgery

Webinar: Robotics and endoscopic ear surgery

Robotics and endoscopic ear surgery

Wednesday, May 26th, 2021 ► 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

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• Pr Mohamed Badr-El-Dine (President of the IWGEES, President of the Egyptian Society of Skull Base Surgery)
• Pr Vincent Couloigner (Secretary-General SFORL, Paris, France)
• Mr Nicolas Prévost (CEO Collin SAS, Bagneux, France)

RobOtol® assisted endoscopic surgery : feedback on the first patients
Pr Yann Nguyen (Paris, France)

Endoscopic otosclerosis surgery – What more with the endoscope ?
Pr Hassan Chelly (Casablanca, Morocco)

Thermal safety of endoscopic usage in robot-assisted middle ear surgery: an experimental study
• Pr Hao Wu (Shanghai, China)

Robotic tympanoplasty – Early cases and Team Learning curve
• Pr Remi Marianowski (Brest, France)

New developments in robotic endoscopy
• Mr Stéphane Mazalaigue (Bagneux, France)


• Pr Vincent Couloigner
• Pr Mohamed Badr-El-Dine